Tooth Extraction

Tooth Extraction
Tooth Extraction

Tooth Extraction

Tooth extraction is the removal of a tooth from its socket in the bone.


We will take an X-ray of the area to help plan the best way to remove the tooth. Be sure to provide your full medical and dental history and a list of all medicines you take. This should include both prescription and over- the-counter drugs, vitamins and supplements.

If you are having wisdom teeth removed, you may have a panoramic X-ray. This X-ray takes a picture of all of your teeth at once.

Do not smoke on the day of surgery. This can increase the risk of a painful problem called dry socket.

After the extraction, someone will need to drive you home and stay there with you. You will be given post-surgery instructions. It is very important that you follow them.


We will give you detailed instructions on what to do and what to expect after your surgery. If you have any questions, make sure to ask us before you leave the clinic

Having a tooth taken out is surgery You can expect some discomfort after even simple extractions Usually it is mild Take the drugs what we recommended Take the first pills before the local anesthesia wears off Continue taking them for 3 days Ask us for complete instructions.

Surgical extractions generally cause more pain after the procedure than simple extractions The level of discomfort and how long it lasts will depend on how difficult it was to remove the tooth Most pam disappears after a couple of days.

A cut in the mouth tends to bleed more than a cut on the skin because it cannot dry out and form a scab. After an extraction, you'll be asked to bite on a piece of gauze for 20 to 30 minutes. This pressure will allow the blood to dot. You will still have a small amount of bleeding for the next 24 hours or so. It should taper off after that. Don't disturb the clot that forms on the wound. You can put ice packs on your face to reduce swelling. Typically, they are left on for 20 minutes at a time and removed for 20 minutes Eat soft and cool foods for a few days. Then try other food as you feel comfortable.

A gentle rinse with warm salt water, started 24 hours after the surgery, can help to keep the area dean. Use one-half teaspoon of salt in a cup of water. Most swelling and bleeding end within a day or two after the surgery. Initial healing takes at least two weeks.

If you need stitches, your doctor may use the kinds that dissolve on their own. This usually takes one to two weeks. Rinsing with warm salt water will help the stitches to dissolve. Some stitches need to be removed by the dentist or surgeon.

You should not smoke, use a straw or spit after surgery. These actions can pull the blood dot out of the hole where the tooth was. Do not smoke on the day of surgery. Do not smoke for 24 to 72 hours after having a tooth extracted

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